Table of Contents

A Surprise at Breakfast 
A Transcendental Experiment from Long Ago 
Accepting the Lesser of Two Evils and the Problems that Brings to 2024 
Another Trip Around the Sun
Are You Using or Losing Your Imagination? 
Barack Obama, His Implicit Endorsement, and Racism 
Be the Neighbor You Wish You Had
Beating Coley in Whiffle Ball 
Best Thank You Letter Ever 
Big Bang Theory: All This From Nothing? How? What Does It Mean? 
Can the Rats Run the House? 
Candace, Me, and Glass Spider Tour
Cashing in a Magic Dime
Dealing with Social Anxiety and Extroverted Friends
Defending Keynes
Edge of Morality 
Elaine Hancock: My Perfect Godmother Died Last Night 
Getting Tough on Crime: When Will We Learn?
Hey Guys, Put the Toilet Seat Down 
How Time Slows Down as We Speed Up
I Am Agnostic, Not Atheist 
I Met a Man Named John (Newsletter published January 1999) 
Pence’s Disingenuous Protest: Dividing Society by Distraction 
Poor Conservatives: Compounding Idiocy with Hypocrisy
Raising a Gay Child the Right Way
Reconciling Truth and Understanding 
Remembering Dad: He Always had a List
Remembering Dad: He Loved Trivia, But Not Trivial Pursuit
Remembering Dad: His Camera Collection
Remembering Elliana: Elliana’s First Mariners Game
Say What You Mean
Schools: Why Don’t They Teach That Anymore?
Selective Recollection: Why We Don’t Remember History Accurately
Self Image: What It Is and How to Change It 
Seriously: How and Why Satire Works
Socialism: The Military as a Microcosm 
Solid Gold Sisters (video)
Some Exponential Benefits of Reparations
The Difference Between Communism and Marxism
The Problems with Communism 
The Value of Other People's Opinions
Understanding Frames of Reference
Understanding Supply-Side Economics 

What is the Difference Between Our Spirits and Our Souls?
What Would the Founding Fathers Think?