Sunday, January 7, 2024

Things I Honestly Believe

Nothing is certain.

Lobbying is bribery.

You cannot see a hole.

XXX movies are overrated.

Aristotle screwed things up.

Einstein was as bright as light.

Socrates was a funny character.

If God has gender, She is female.

A billion dollars cannot be earned.

Reality is filtered through our senses.

Seeking contentment is an oxymoron.

Most wealth is the result of inheritance.

Vision and sight are not the same things.

The seven deadly sins are human natures.

Nothing is more American than protesting.

The opposite of responsibility is popularity.

Always side with labor against management.

Nature is comprised of spheres and not lines.

Life gets shorter the longer you look back on it.

Popular opinion and truth are not the same things.

When a law is immoral, a moral person breaks the law.

Binary is not black and white, but black and white are binary.

If you want to know the answer to a question, ask that question.

Being incorrect and right is better than being correct and wrong.

Linear solutions most often resolve symptoms and not problems.

God is a concept comprised of mother nature, father time, and infinity.

Brainwashing, propaganda, and marketing work on the same principles.

Unintended consequences are often foreseeable and sometimes planned.

A correct answer may not be right, and a right answer may not be correct.

Accepting truth sometimes comes at the expense of our favorite prejudices.

Negative cycles are the result of doing again that which already didn't work.

When our words and actions don't reconcile, our actions tell the truth about us.

The difference between a problem and an opportunity is a matter of perspective.