Monday, December 25, 2023

Topping Her Dad at Something

I was greeted at the door by my youngest granddaughter.

"Hi Papa. Merry Christmas and welcome," she said. 

It was not her normal greeting. She was excited because Christmas Eve is when her father's family gathers at her home to exchange Christmas gifts. I was there for the food and the cookies, and to see the grandkids before they got started.

The cousins had not yet arrived. Her mom and dad were getting things ready for the evening. She was all mine to talk to and play with for a while.

She handed me a plate with a cookie on it that had a bite taken out of it. She said it was for me. When I asked about the bite mark, she gave me a little shrug and got embarrassed. 

Candace overheard the exchange and started laughing. "She took a bite and said she didn't like it. I told her to go ahead and throw it away, but she said she wanted to save it for you because you will eat anything," she said.

Gemma added, "I didn't really mean you are a pig, just that you eat anything."

Oh, the honesty of children!

She made sure that I saw all the packages that were hers to open. It was going to be an impressive haul. I asked her where she got all of them. She said mostly from her mom and dad.

She loves her mom dearly, but her dad is her best friend and hero. So, when I asked her who spoils her more, I knew that the answer was going to be her dad. It was, indeed.

"You're spoiled, you know," I told her. 

"I know," she replied.

"No one spoils you more than your dad does," I added.

"You do, Papa," she said.

A bit perplexed, I asked her, "What do you mean I spoil you more than your dad does?"

She answered, "Sometimes he tells me no."

She got a big bear hug, of course!

* * * * *

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