Sunday, December 31, 2023

Remembering Elliana: Soaking Papa at Work

The final part of the day of work at Transpro was washing and putting away the van. Candace arrived while I was washing the van one sunny day, so I had Elliana, who was three years old, rinse the van while I finished washing it. 

Another driver walked up and decided to have some fun with the situation. He told Elliana that he would give her a dollar if she sprayed me with the hose. She looked at me a bit bewildered. She loves her papa, but a dollar is a dollar.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Remembering Mom: She Knew Her Tomato Plants

Back in the old days, we would buy a bag of pot and hope that no more than a fourth of it was stems and seeds. No matter what we tried, there were no good ways to consume the stems and seeds to get high. Just smoking the crap was more likely to give you a headache than a high. If a wayward seed made its way into a joint or a bowl of weed, it would pop like popcorn, except there were no kernels. The lit portions blown out by the seed popping were going to be holes in your shirts and cloth seats.

One of my final antics before leaving home was to use some of the seeds to start about twenty plants. I did it in the closet of my upstairs bedroom with a sun lamp my dad once used.

It wasn't an overly well-thought-out plan. Even cousin Guy caught me. I had to beg him to not tell on me.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Three Songs About Adultery

Nothing feels quite like finding someone to fall in love with and marry. However, not everyone has the same experiences in marriage. Some people just deal with commitment better than other people do. Each of these three songs is about love with someone who isn't committed to commitment.

Two of the songs are about people who are contentedly having affairs. One of the songs is about a married man, and the other is about a married woman. The final song is about getting caught having an affair. 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Three Songs About Theft

Like music, thievery also comes in many methods and styles. If we allow for the figurative idea of theft, the array is simply too vast. Even by limiting the topic to songs that are literally about theft, there were many songs to choose from.

I will end the post with a song about identity theft. Before that, there will be a song about shoplifting. I'll begin by one of the most common types of theft, and one that costs businesses money every day: employee theft.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Three Songs About Toxic Relationships

Even if we haven't been in relationships that were overly toxic, most people will have experienced some level of lost love by the time they are adults. For the most part, people know when to walk away. Some things are meant to be, and some things become painfully obvious they were not meant to be.

Sometimes couples do not have the good sense to walk away from toxic relationships. For whatever reasons they imagine, they keep trying to make it work despite that there are obvious problems between them.