Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Why I Gave Up Christmas Shopping
Saturday, December 23, 2023
The Love of Doja
I don't personally have a dog right now, but I do have five grandpuppies that I love for the love they give me.
The oldest is Sophie. I went in halves on her with my ex-wife as a Christmas gift for Elliana in 2011. Sophie is a Yorkie mix who loves us all but would bark at us if we dared to hug HER Elliana!
Though Sophie was Elliana's dog, she has lived her life with Elliana's grandmother. She is old now, and I rarely see her. I was teased when Laura and I bought her that I just paid half for my ex-wife's dog. That is essentially what happened.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
My Daughter's Wife
Her wife doesn't need to be the center of attention, and she doesn't need to use some really tough experiences in her life to explain abnormal behavior. Rather, she uses her experiences to imagine how others must feel in their circumstances. She has a healthy ego, but she also has a lot of empathy. She has a keen awareness about herself. She listens to learn rather than to know what memorized response is appropriate.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Sunday, June 17, 2012
That Endearing Moment with Noofie Bugg
Wednesday, January 31, 2001
The Best Christmas Present (Newsletter - Issue 302 in January 2001)
One of the biggest changes was that I would have to get the stuff going back to her into the mail well before Christmas Eve (my usual shopping day). That was way easier to deal with than is the reason that change was necessary. However, I'm a strong man, and other people have had to endure far greater adversity in their lives. Even knowing this, it's difficult at times to not just feel sorry for myself.
Tuesday, August 31, 1999
The Kids Are Back! (August 1999)
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As hard as it is to raise two daughters (one a teenager, and the other on the verge), it is always harder for me when they leave for the east coast to visit their mother during the summer. The 46 consecutive weeks of "I need this" and "I want that" should probably prelude a welcome 6-week break, but there's a hollow feeling when the kids are gone.