Monday, November 4, 2019

Movie Review: Three Wise Cousins

Deciding to go to the movies was the easy part. It is always more difficult for Linda and me to decide on which movie to see, especially when there is not a grandchild involved that limits the scope of choices.

Neither of us is into science fiction or blood and gore, so the two big movies were easily eliminated from consideration. We both like comedies, but so often what you get are a few jokes with a plot that lacks any substance. After reading reviews and watching some trailers, we decided on an indie film that was quite highly rated for both its humor, and its substance in depicting Samoan culture, titled "Three Wise Cousins."

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mr. Grumpy (2014-2019)

Mr. Grumpy was found dead at the age of five in the front yard on the evening of October 10th.

Grumps was rehomed in 2014 when he was about six months old from a lady who was unable to keep him. It took a while for him to lose his edginess around people, but he was quite the charmer once he did! He went from hiding in a closet all day to the cat who would come regardless of which cat you called. Sometimes he would amble up just to make sure you knew he was available to pet.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Prancer (2001-2019)

On the afternoon of August 10th, a car pulled into the driveway. Unfortunately, Prancer had found a piece of ground to sun upon in the tire tracks of the driveway, and the visitor who pulled in did not see her. Her death was immediate.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Farley's Wit: The Story

Farley’s Wit began at a time I was locked up in a dispute. I believed it would be easily resolvable, but the series of events suggest that people chose the most difficult route possible and complicated the process to the point that it became unresolvable. At the last possible minute, they turned their representation over to a law firm. Any hope that they were brought in to come to a mutually beneficial solution was abruptly dashed. 

The law firm was unresponsive and didn’t seem to take the matter as seriously as I did. The problem for me, though, was that negotiated resolution was the only possibility I had to get this behind me quickly. They could wait me out, which was obviously their tactic, and made litigation a prohibitively expensive option for me.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Remembering Dad: He Loved Trivia, But Not Trivial Pursuit

The most difficult speech I ever gave was Dad’s eulogy. He told me he wanted me to do it shortly after learning he had cancer on the night the funeral director came over so he could get his and Mom’s arrangements out of the way. He wanted it to be light, and he wanted it to be about him.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Remembering Dad: The Rice Salad Standoff

Dad always sat at the head of the table with Maureen to his left and me to his right. I don’t remember everything we had for dinner that evening, but rice salad was part of the menu.

Dad had the bowl of it in his hand when Maureen spoke saying she didn’t want any. I added, "Me neither! It looks yucky!"

There were two quick plops of it, one on her plate and one on mine. Dad’s instructions were succinct: "Eat it."

Now there were certainly times and places to pick battles with Dad, and this was one of those times! Maureen and I could sit united in defiance of his instructions, and go on a partial hunger strike!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Remembering Dad: He Always had a List

I cannot say for certain that the stock value of the company that owned those spiral topped, pocket sized notebooks fell when Dad died in December of 1992, but it is a cinch that the number of sales of that particular item dropped.

Friday, January 6, 2017

They’re, There, or Their

There are places where we write to people whose opinions matter greatly to us because they’re responsible for making decisions on promotions, so their impressions of us are important.

Did I use the words "they’re," "there," and "their" correctly?

If you are uncertain, let us go through some simple rules to know which word to use where and when.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Parents Beware: Schools No Longer Teach This Important Skill

I was talking to a young parent who told me that the schools today are stupid because they teach this new math that he doesn’t understand. I told him schools have gotten easier and easier than they were when I attended school. I told him kids his age, and kids today, do not understand that because they do not have a clue about school when I attended. They used to teach us important skills.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Bonding With Gemma

Candace and I began bonding on the day she was born. I loved holding her, and she loved me holding her, too.

That instant bonding process was repeated when Erin was born, and again when Elliana was born. They were comforted when I held and cuddled them from the first days they were born.

I was able to calm any upset any of the three of them had with the security and love they felt in my arms. There was no reason to believe that it would be different when Gemma was born.

I was certainly wrong about that!

Gemma not only did not want me to hold her, it seemed she did not even like me!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Playing With Gemma

Gemma did not like me when she was a baby. Her lip would quiver when I looked at her, and she would start crying as soon as I picked her up. It took a lot of effort on my part to get her to bond with me.

Eventually we bonded, and now I am one of her favorite people to play with!

The reason she loves playing with me boils down to two elements that are important to her: she makes up all the rules, and she always wins.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Remembering Dad: His System of Cycling Junk

Dad was a collector of many things. He had his old cameras, his library, his painted engine collection, and hundreds of his favorite movies on VHS tapes. He was highly creative at using junk in wonderful displays, like his magic garage. However, he also was organized, and did not like junk hanging around the house.

Mom enjoyed many of his collections, and tolerated others. She also does not like junk hanging around the house, but her definition of junk differed from Dad’s definition of junk.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Boz Scaggs at Emerald Queen Casino

The date the sign showed Boz Scaggs was performing on March 12th slips my mind, but it was resolved a moment later that I would be getting tickets for his show! I went to get the tickets the next pay day.

I decided to buy a pair of tickets for Hutch to give to him for his birthday, and two extra tickets so Candace and Erin could also go with Linda and me to see this great musician.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Farley's Wit - Number 8: Federal Court Nominations and Setting Up a Super-PAC

Hello. I'm G. Gordon Farley, the first name in Farley Swit.

Most judges on the state and local levels are elected, but judges on the federal level are appointed.

When there is a vacancy on the federal level, from Circuit Courts to the Supreme Court, due to retirement or death, the President considers people who are available and qualified to do the job.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Christmas in February: Michael Che Comedy Show

I could tell there was more than just a card in the envelope when it was handed to me for my Christmas present in 2015. Sure enough, inside the card were six tickets for the February 25th show at the Columbia City Theater featuring Michael Che.