Showing posts with label trust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trust. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Lying, Sabotaging, and Communicating Passively Aggressively, or How the Family Came Unglued

A memory from four years ago that popped up on Facebook today was a post I made in response to my younger sister's passive aggressive message that had been sent that morning.

To put it into perspective, Mom had moved in with her in March of that year. In addition to her realizing that I had been telling the truth that taking care of Mom was more of a job than it was a joy, she was also dealing with the "unforeseeable emergency" that everything that wasn't dealt with at Mom's house when it might have been, had to be dealt with then when there were other things that needed to also be dealt with, like taking care of Mom.